Nordic Atari Show in Oskarshamn, Sweden 29-30/6!
The annual Nordic Atari Show (NAS) will take place in Oskarshamn this year. Oskarshamn is located on the Swedish east coast close to the great island "Öland". Atari enthusiasts from all over the country and abroad will gather together and participate in or just visit the exhibition.
The show is opened 29/6-30/6 and we welcome anyone to join. Entrance fee is SKR 100 (appr. 10 EUR) for both days.
There will be second hand Atari computers, monitors, software, etc on sell. If you want to sell anything yourself just bring the stuff with you.
We plan to do a lot of networking so bring your Ethernet adapters, nullmodem cables, MIDI cables, etc to join the network with fast Internet access via NAT.
For more info browse to http://www.sak.nu/ and click the "Nordic Atari Show" button. Info in English can be found further down on the page, map included.
Link: http://www.sak.nu/
Erstellt am 03.Juni.2002 von johannes