Die deutschsprachige Community für ATARI Homecomputer
Kommentare deaktiviert für Wichtiges AtarICQ Update (0.167) released!
Kategorie: News

Recently there have been some serious problems with a couple of ICQclients, aICQ being one of them. The problem has been that incomingmessages have not been received properly. It would have seemed like allyour friends were silent all the time. Thanks to some fast research byDan, there is now an update which should take care of this issue. Ifyou use AtarICQ, make sure to grab this update ASAP!

Link: http://www.ataricq.org

Erstellt am 14.Feb..2006 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für MPC STiK 1.6a veröffentlicht
Kategorie: News

MPC STiK is a network bridge for STiK API network clients under MagicPC.Run Highwire, Chat in AtarIcq or AtarIRC all while running MagicPC. Theprogram uses the underlying windows network for all communications.

The website isn\'t beautiful, but I have included a short list of tested clients.Some clients are problematic, but enough functionality is there for regular use.


Link: http://baldrick.gemcandy.org/mpcstik.htm

Erstellt am 12.Feb..2006 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Atari Jaguar CD: JagMIND wieder erhältlich
Kategorie: News

Das neue Atari Jaguar CD Spiel: JagMIND ist wieder erhältlich. Mehr Information auf der offiziellen Homepage.

Link: http://www.starcat-dev.de/jagmind

Erstellt am 12.Feb..2006 von johannes

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