Die deutschsprachige Community für ATARI Homecomputer
Kommentare deaktiviert für Software Synthesizer ACE Midi Version 1.10
Kategorie: News

Thomas of Newbeat has released a new version of ACE Midi. Here\'s the overview of fixes and features for this version:

Update: Mono/Poly-mode was implemented.

Update: Portamento was implemented.

Update: The sound engine was improved to work better with accelerators (for example AB40 and CT60).

Update: All interface graphics were converted to loose IFF files.

Update: Interface graphics were updated.

Update: Mouse acceleration and screen saver settings were moved to the MASTER section and are now saved in the master configuration file.

Update: A small window displaying the names of the currently loaded samples was implemented.

Update: The oscillator OFFSET parameter is now enabled in all mix modes.

Update: A small indicator was implemented in the MASTER section, displaying current number of voices in use.

Update: Parts of the final volume calculations were moved from CPU to DSP to improve accuracy.

Update: The filter tables were optimized to take less space in memory.

Update: Maximum number of voices possible increased to 20.

Bug fixed: Effects settings in the MASTER section was not always updated as they should have.

Link: http://nb.atari.org/main.php

Erstellt am 03.Nov..2004 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für HighWire Version 0.2.2 zum Download verf¸gbar
Kategorie: News

Es gibt wieder eine neue Release von HighWire. Die Haupt-‰nderungen sind erstmal im Cache-Management zu finden: Hier werden nun die Ausdehnungen von Bildern mit abgespeichert, sodass beim n‰chsten Besuch von Seiten ohne g¸ltige width/height-Angabe f¸r Bilder im HTML eine ganze Menge Geflacker vermieden kann (z.B. das Swift-Logo auf der Startseite von Atari-Home.de oder auch fast alle Piktogramme im Forum dort). Au?erdem gabs noch eine heftige ‹berarbeitung des GUI, haupts‰chlich im Bereich der Fensterverwaltung; Z.B. macht jetz F10 das Gleiche wie F11 bei Mozilla/IE. Au?erdem sind dadurch die Grundlagen geschaffen, dass HW damit demn‰chst seine Formulare (also f¸r Einstellungen und sowas) dann in Fenstern verwalten kann.

Viele weitere interessant Neuerungen kann man hier nachlesen.

Link: http://highwire.atari-users.net/

Erstellt am 03.Nov..2004 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für aICQ 0.161 ist verˆffentlicht
Kategorie: News

News in this version:

it is now possible to set how long aICQ should wait until a message is considered to be read. AtarICQ will count the time from the moment that the user starts view a contact message with the message window topped! If you temporarily have another window topped, aICQ will reset the timer.

Lots of general changes and additions to preferences for a change. Check them out, should hopefully be logical to figure stuff out. If not, have a look in the HYP.

A verynasty bug fixed, which would make AtarICQ crash upon certain AV-messages. Thanks to Martin Byttebier for patience during tests.

Internal handling of contact data has been reworked, allowing for better flexibility which might prove important for future additions.

The routine for unshading windows now uses WIND_SET(hdl&,22365,0,0,0,0) to allow it to work also with new XaAES.

Fixed a problem where TT-RAM would (if present) be reserved for the DMA sound buffer.

Link: http://aicq.atari-users.net

Erstellt am 03.Nov..2004 von johannes

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