CT60 Mitteilung
Wie heute in Rundschreiben und im Usenet zu lesen war, gibt es wieder eineMitteilung über den Status der CT060 Entwicklung.
In aller Kürze: Es dauert..
Aber lesen sie selbst:
After a long period of inactivity (since February) on the CT60, I'mhappy to announce you that I took some decisions to be able to rout theCT60 board and so arrive to the manufacturing of a prototype. I obtainedtoo that the manufacturer will produce freely for me, reducing mydevelopment's costs.
As you may know, I'm very busy with the design of the new Riored-J, anice 'alternative OS' PPC board that will surely be usable by the atariworld …. But it is no yet time to speak more about this…
I think that the CT60 prototype will be assembled during september 01…
I will try to put online some technical data about the CT60 production,like schematics…allowing everybody to see the effective advance of thework !
'See' you soon.
–Rodolphe CZUBA
4, Allée du Laurier
email : rczuba@free.fr
WEB : www.czuba-tech.com
Link: http://www.czuba-tech.com
Erstellt am 24.Juli.2001 von johannes