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Kommentare deaktiviert für Aniplayer Version 2.15
Kategorie: News

Aniplayer 2001 Version 2.15 verfügbar.
Die Neuerungen und Änderungen an dieser Version sind recht umfangreich.
Alle Änderungen finden sie in der Dokumentation zum AniPlayer.
Das Update lohnt sich für jeden Anwender.

News on this version 2001 (2.15):
– On FALCON when 'without GEM' is checked
the right clic of the mouse as the same results than 'ESC'.
– Now you can choice a bloc into the horizontal cursor with SHIFT-clic or double clic, or with the right popup of the main window. The beginning and the end are copied when a save box is called
– Function 'INTRO' added in the Playlist.
– The quality option for MP3 (created in v2.14a) is now separated than the general quality option. You can change this option when an MP3 is played and save it (the MP3 quality option replaces
– With MPEG files, there are a new possibility to display 1/4 of I-frames in the display configuration box (for big pictures the speed is increased and it's the only way to listen sound without repeats).
– MP2 sound more fast with the DSP (it's important for video MPEG with sound ";-)" ). There are an average CPU load of 4% on my CT2B and MP2 44,1 KHz files.
– MP3 more fast with the DSP, now with the quality option is removed all MP3 44,1KHz files are played in stereo on a FALCON with a DSP a 32 MHz (CT60 or a normal FALCON). There are average CPU load is reduced by some %.
– Bugs fixed: Save the sound of an MPEG file into an MP2 file, MPEG files > 524 Mo (the limit is now at 4 Go), etc…
– And more…

Link: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/didierm/

Erstellt am 18.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für FunMedia-Umzug
Kategorie: News

Die Homepage von FunMedia und Legends of Espen befindet sich jetztunterhttp://members.tripod.de/funmedia

Link: http://members.tripod.de/funmedia

Erstellt am 16.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Jaguar Schaltbilder
Kategorie: News

Jaguar Schaltpläne
Schaltpläne zum JAGUAR und dem JAGUAR CD-ROM sowie zur ROM-Cardridgefinden sich in Glenn´s Atari Showroom unter:


Die Zeichnungen sind gescannt und optisch dementsprechend.

Link: http://www.geocities.com/glenn_b18/

Erstellt am 16.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Kick off again!
Kategorie: News

Kick off again!
The Kick Off games were a popular soccer game series for the Atari ST and Amiga platforms.
Alongside Sensible Soccer, it is one of the best known soccer games prior to today's 3Dgames and the EA Sports FIFA franchise.
At http://www.kickoff2.cjb.net there is a fan site with a forumat http://pub50.ezboard.com/bkickoff2 which developer SteveScreech regularly enters and discusses Kick Off 3 (working title, PC).

Spread the word !!

Link: http://www.kickoff2.cjb.net

Erstellt am 16.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Neuer Sting-Treiber für Ethernet Pocket-Adapter
Kategorie: News

Neuer Sting-Treiber für Ethernet Pocket-Adapter
Für den Ethernet Pocket-Adapter von Elmar Hilgart findet sich auf derWebseite von Vassilis Papathanassiou die Version 1.06 desSTinG-Treibers. Der Treiber sowie die FTPServer Version 1.08 für STinGkann direkt unter dem untenstehenden Link geladen werden. Achten Siedarauf die STinG Version zu laden wenn sie STinG benutzen!

Link: http://users.otenet.gr/~papval/

Erstellt am 13.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Songbird Productions Update
Kategorie: News

It's been a while, so I thought Atari fans could use an update fromSongbird… read on if you're looking forward to new Lynx and Jaguargames!

Distant Lands – Chris Vick is in full swing on this upcoming overheadfantasy RPG, and I have to say, the demos I've been trying out are verypolished. The main game engine still isn't complete yet, but a lot offeatures are there — talking, interacting, picking up and droppingobjects, layered graphics (you can walk under tree canopies, roofs,etc.), simple combat, and more. I'll put some new screen shots updemonstrating these featuers if there's interest.

Cybervirus – This game came to Songbird about 80% complete. The maingame engine is fully implemented and I've not uncovered a single bugyet. However, only one mission was built in to the game, and my plan isto include no fewer than 20 missions in the final product. I have set updescriptions and binary headers for 20 missions, but so far I haven'thad time to build them into the game, plus make the usual intro/creditschanges and so on. I will be hard pressed to get this game out bysummer, but CGE2K1 may be doable.

Ultravore – Lest you think this game has been forgotten… quite thecontrary, the game is in active development. I was thrilled to discoverthat two-player support was already included in the source, so now thefocus has turned to implementing a Lynx-controlled opponent, healthmeters, etc. There is also probably room for one or two new fighters –if anyone reading this is a talented 2D fighter/superhero animator,please contact me (songbird at atari.net).

Protector: Special Edition – Nearly two years after the initialrelease of Protector to enthusiastic fans, Songbird is laying thegroundwork for a Special Edition of the game later this year. Prot: SEwill include a ton of new artwork and landscapes and music, as well newwaves of foes and some important gameplay tweaks to make this greatJaguar game even better. Plus, the game is slated to include CD Bypasscode, to allow new unencrypted CD games to be played on a regular JaguarCD unit.

* Rapid Fire Controllers – More of these should be available by summer,stay tuned to the Songbird pages for details.Thanks to all the Atari fans that continue to support the new releases.Each purchase you make helps pave the way for future efforts, andreinforces to all Atari hobby developers that the fans will support newgames with their wallets.

Have a great Easter weekend!
Carl Forhan
Songbird Productions

Link: http://songbird.atari.net

Erstellt am 11.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Heute schon was geraucht?
Kategorie: News

Marijuana Mail, ein kleiner einfacher Email-Client für Atari Computer.

Arbeitet auf jedem Atari ab 1 MB RAM, es wird nicht einmal eineFestplatte benötigt. Es geht ohne N.AES, ohne MiNT, ohne MagiC, ohneAV_SERVER. Der Mailer beinhaltet einen Maileditor und unterstützt auchMIME, Base64 Attachments.

Das Programm ist nicht komplett fertig und hat BETA- sowie FreeWare-Status. Das Archiv kann nur per FTP gesaugt werden. Screenshots einerälteren Version kann unter http://marijuana.atari.org finden


Link: http://marijuana.atari.org

Erstellt am 11.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für TransAction Mirror Site
Kategorie: News

Wenn Probleme mit dem Zugriff auf die TransAction Website auftreten sollten, kann ab sofort die erneuerte Mirrorsite in Anspruch genommen werden.
Standard site: http://atari.transaction.free.fr/
mirror site: http://perso.libertysurf.fr/transaction/

Link: http://atari.transaction.free.fr/

Erstellt am 10.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Neuer Sponsor der EILNo. 2
Kategorie: News

Hi all,

Europe Shareware sponsor of the EIL No. 2:
On the most important European Coding Party of the year, Europe Shareware offers to the winners a full version of the worldwide OS (Atari/Mac/PC) MagiC 6.1. The Error In Line No. 2 will take place from 13 to 16 april 2001 in Dresden (Germany).
Web site of the Error In Line No. 2: see Link
Bye, /Pascal/

Link: http://eil.atari.org

Erstellt am 08.Apr..2001 von johannes
Kommentare deaktiviert für Profiling, Freeware
Kategorie: News

Freeware Profiling
Um seine Atari Programme zu optimieren findet man auf der Webseite von Dr. Thomas Redelberger das Freeware Profiling-Werkzeug TRPROF08.LZH

Link: http://home.nexgo.de/thomas.redelberger/prj/atari/download

Erstellt am 08.Apr..2001 von johannes

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