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Aniplayer 2001 Version 2.15 verfügbar.
Die Neuerungen und Änderungen an dieser Version sind recht umfangreich.
Alle Änderungen finden sie in der Dokumentation zum AniPlayer.
Das Update lohnt sich für jeden Anwender.

News on this version 2001 (2.15):
– On FALCON when 'without GEM' is checked
the right clic of the mouse as the same results than 'ESC'.
– Now you can choice a bloc into the horizontal cursor with SHIFT-clic or double clic, or with the right popup of the main window. The beginning and the end are copied when a save box is called
– Function 'INTRO' added in the Playlist.
– The quality option for MP3 (created in v2.14a) is now separated than the general quality option. You can change this option when an MP3 is played and save it (the MP3 quality option replaces
– With MPEG files, there are a new possibility to display 1/4 of I-frames in the display configuration box (for big pictures the speed is increased and it's the only way to listen sound without repeats).
– MP2 sound more fast with the DSP (it's important for video MPEG with sound ";-)" ). There are an average CPU load of 4% on my CT2B and MP2 44,1 KHz files.
– MP3 more fast with the DSP, now with the quality option is removed all MP3 44,1KHz files are played in stereo on a FALCON with a DSP a 32 MHz (CT60 or a normal FALCON). There are average CPU load is reduced by some %.
– Bugs fixed: Save the sound of an MPEG file into an MP2 file, MPEG files > 524 Mo (the limit is now at 4 Go), etc…
– And more…

Link: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/didierm/

Erstellt am 18.Apr..2001 von johannes

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